i hope aaron doesn't sleep in again. hmm. i have a babysitting job later on tonight, so it isn't like we have all day. next time we schedule a movie date i'm scheduling the time beforehand, instead of the fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants type deal we've been trying. it doesn't seem to be working, and i stress out when i don't have a reasonable schedule.
last night i dreamt that everyone was standing in dozens of lines in a street, and i was under an overpass. i didn't want to be in the crowd, but i didn't want to annoy people by cutting in a line. i figured out where the bathroom line was, but i couldn't figure out what the other lines were for, so i flew up and hung onto the overpass. i went farther down the crowd and knocked over some pillars that i thought would make room for the people in line to leave by, what if something was going to happen?
wow. i'm going to go get some chai latte and a muffin with my mom. later.
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