Sunday, December 05, 2004

sleepy tired

i'm putting off doing my homework, which is why i'm here. i hope i can read misanthrope easily and quickly (the english version, thank you). i have a quiz on it tomorrow. i'm tired from working tech in children's theater. i'm sure someone with a longer attention span would do better at pressing go at every cue. i screwed up really badly on some of the light cues. oh well. i choose to be happy. just not right now. i'm not sure if my last post published, so i apologize if i sound repetetive. whatever. i want to call aaron. he's my latest prospect, and he looks pretty good, in more ways than one. lol. i have a curtain of tiredness over my brain at this point, because i'm tired. actually, i want aaron to call me. i want my phone to vibrate, because it is in my pocket. that is an interesting feeling. i will write a poem.

Kolors who wrote in her blog
Complained of her mind in a fog.
She, long story short,
Her blog did abort,
And soon slept just like a log.

maybe i won't abort the blog, but it rhymed. i'm sorry. spur of the moment limeric. probably not very good, but the best i could do at the moment. or maybe it is really good, and i'm just too close to realize it. or it's just in between. i dunno. i tend to be a horrible critic. i like most things. ask bendy. have i ever told you one of your paintings sucked? and don't add that none of your paintings ever sucked. that's beside the point.

Last night I dreamt
You kissed my neck
And when I turned
To kiss you back
I woke.

that's a sad poem. i like it. it's one of my best. i actually had a dream like that. here's another dream poem.

I used to dream I was ashamed
For I was naked
But then I dreamed I walked exposed
Free from shame
Only searching for clothes
Because others were embarrassed.

i tend to scare people when they see the real me. i can be really intense, really zany, really driven, all sorts of things. and stubborn. i just plow right through things when i want to. i try not to step on people along my way, but it's hard sometimes. i drop most of my masks with brenda. most, but not all. i keep my naked self to myself. that sounded funny. he he he!


Blogger kolors said...

p.s. with that first dream poem, it was about this guy i liked at the time, i won't name names, as i wouldn't dream of kissing him now, i know him too well, but that poem fits with most of the guys i've liked. i like them, they like me, then i wake up. i hope i'm awake right now.

7:48 PM  
Blogger Bren said...

i should start a happy mask shop.

8:17 PM  
Blogger kolors said...

I'm sure a lot of people would buy. you would make a fortune.

8:21 PM  
Blogger Death said...

A happy shop thats full of masks
is where I wish to shop.
Im always busy with my tasks
and so I always flop.
I never have enough to buy,
I just go to see.
The happy masks make people fly.
Why couldnt that be me?

As you see, I am bored
and so I now reply
In rhyme and prose with little wit,
but hell I had to try.
A poem, sad, is what you had
amongst the other reams,
And yet I like what it said,
For that is the actuality of dreams.
To tease and taunt and lead us on,
and then to let us down.
But still we try, because we must,
Though we may carry a frown.
And now I go, off to bed,
leaving you with this:
One day youll be by his side.
Waking with a kiss.

2:42 AM  
Blogger kolors said...

aw, i feel all warm and squishy inside...either that or i need a diaper.

really, though, that was awesome. i'm officially impressed. write that down, it doesn't happen often!

11:54 PM  
Blogger Death said...

Actually, it does happen often. That kinda stuff is easy for me to write. Im good at lymrics. I have a little trouble with sonnets, though.

3:44 AM  
Blogger kolors said...

i wrote a sonnet once.

a beauty in Your eyes i can't ignore
the strength with which you hold my spirit high
i cannot hope to hold You anymore

You gave Your eyes to someone else You sigh
and long for her my friend! refuse i dot
Your wounds but as You cry i stand to die

upon the hands of one who loves You not
forget i shall but forced I shall forget
the love I held for you it's like a shot

when deaf it's unforeseen but wounds when met
with flesh O Your Love is a consummation
devoutly to be wished I must not get

emotional what will be will I guess
I cannot keep you from this painful mess

12:38 PM  

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