Tuesday, December 07, 2004


i don't feel this way so much now
i'm healing
but it sneaks up on me sometimes
like a spider
poisons me
fills me with fear
i am alone in a crowd
no one will hear

yeah, most of my poetry is pretty down. writing poetry helps me figure out what i'm feeling and get over it. my poetry is pretty dark, especially considering i'm usually such an upbeat person.

I went to auditions for "how i learned to drive." i'm looking for the female lead, but there are a couple of really good girls (at cold readings, too!) whom i'm thinking have a very good chance of making that role. if i don't make it, i hope one of those girls gets it. it would be sad if someone i think is worse than me got the role i wanted so badly. i did decently at auditions.


Blogger kolors said...

oh, and aaron gave me an early christmas present. he went to san fran this weekend, saw a shirt, thought it would look good on me and bought it for me. it's really pretty. wow. he tried to buy me dinner at danner hall tonight as well (it was like $4, nothing big) but i snuck away and paid for it myself. i'm very proud like that, but i thanked him for trying to pay. it's the thought that counts, and he was willing to pay. it totally made up for the stress of auditions.

12:34 AM  
Blogger Death said...

ya know what I hate? being OVER qualified for a position. Thats bullshit. How can I be too good to do menial labor? Just cause Id get it done quickly does not mean I shouldnt get the opportunity to get it done. I aslo hate losing to someone who I know is much worse than I am.

3:47 AM  
Blogger kolors said...

being called over qualified is just a nice way of the company saying they can't afford you, since you'd be able to command higher wages than someone with less experience.

12:31 PM  

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