Sunday, December 12, 2004


Here is another, more recent, dream. this happened right after the end of my senior year. i pulled this from a dream log i did.

Last night I dreamt that I was driving Miko J. and Tony G. home from play practice late at night, and I was so tired, I could barely keep my eyes open. Both of them were in the back seat together. Well, we got to a T-intersection, and I had to go either right or left. I couldn’t remember which way home was, so I turned left, figuring that I could turn back around if I didn’t hit any landmarks within a few minutes. I remember seeing the rolling hills hit by the moonlight as I drove by. Anyway, I was driving for a short time when suddenly I hit a very winding road in the hills, and Mom was suddenly in the passenger seat, asleep. I woke her up and told her about the turn and asked if I should have turned right. She said yes, I should have. Then she proceeded to tell me that she had heard about this road in either Montana or Oklahoma or something like that, and I was mad that I had to drive all the way back to get home. Miko and Tony were out of the car by this time, and as I was turning the car, I saw them standing together, maybe dancing, maybe just watching something on the ground, and I woke up. Miko and Tony are a couple, and both in Peter’s Gate with me. The winding road probably comes from a travel show I saw yesterday on the Canary Islands where there’s a really winding road, and the guy said San Francisco has nothing on this road.

Interesting, hmm?


Blogger Bren said...

what about the turning left?

11:18 PM  
Blogger Death said...

you have some fucked up dream lady. I used to dream about riding dragons, and winning roller skating races, and jumping off building to my death. Oh wait, that last one is a fucked up one, aint it?

2:50 AM  
Blogger kolors said...

dude, you're talkin' to the girl who usually flies in her dreams. driving dreams are weird for me. and brenda, what do you mean? maybe the whole left thing is how symbolically the left hand side is always the sinister side, which is why you put your friends on your right ("you're my right-hand man!"). guess i was worried i was going the wrong way, as opposed to the right way. :)

6:35 PM  
Blogger Bren said...

a fork in the road is often significant in my dreams. back in june huh? i don't remember what was going on in june last year... i can't tell you how it relates to your life. did you make any decisions at the time that were regretful?

9:45 AM  
Blogger Liz said...

hi kiddo, just to let you know i've been nosing around here. feel free to do the same to me... ;)

11:10 AM  
Blogger kolors said...

I know exactly what was going on in june, i was graduating high school!

hi, liz!

6:36 PM  
Blogger Bren said...

..... i'm not sure if graduation has anything to do with it

6:51 AM  
Blogger kolors said...

i think graduation has everything to do with it; i was leaving a play in my dream; i was leaving the drama department in real life. i was trying to make my way home in my dream; i was going out to find my place in life. i guess i was afraid i wasn't going to go the right way in life. maybe that's what it means.

8:01 AM  

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