Friday, March 17, 2006

In Sacatomato

Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I'm going to the airshow, Tomorrow! It's only a day awaaaaay!
Okay, I'm going on Sunday. But I like the song.
On a different note, I'm in Sac today (surprise, surprise) hanging out with Sean. Today a bat was found in the Scene Shop of my school, so my class was cancelled, but I still had choir. Basically, I had two out of my four classes today, since my first class was also cancelled 'cause our teacher was hosting a band review. Luckily, he told us about that ahead of time, so I got to sleep in. I'm on the second week of rehearsal, and I have to go every night, but since I'm usually doing different stuff from other people, I have to sit around for a while, give my lines when we go through the parts, and wait for them to get to my part. That's okay, though. I'm catching up on sleep with mini-catnaps. Okay, I haven't gotten that tired yet, but during Man of La Mancha I was able to sleep anywhere, anytime. Maybe I'll get to that point again. It was probably a mistake to have my classes start at 8 am, but oh, well. At least now I have at least a 3 hour break between my classes and the play. On some days I have a 6 hour break, so I can take a nap if I don't feel like doing my scene shop hours. So, yeah.
I'm kinda babbling. Whatever. Sean and I went out to eat, since he didn't have much food in his house. He's going grocery shopping tomorrow, so that's good for him.
Oh, yeah, happy St. Getting Rid of the Snakes Day, or whatever. Oh, right, St. Patrick's.


Blogger Bren said...

airshows are fun. they should have more in stockton. we have a whole airport that isn't being used.

i think ever day here is "getting rid of snakes day." i have rats in my house and a certain somebody is always pinching me. *sigh*

12:08 PM  

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