Saturday, February 25, 2006

Goodness, gracious

I went to the see the current play at my college tonight with Sean, and guess who should chance to be there? My ex-boyfriend. The first one. That's especially funny because he goes to SF State now, and just happened to be in town this weekend. Oh, well. We had a pretty good conversation at intermission, if a trifle awkward. Our breakup wasn't painful enough to warrent being rude, so we both stumbled through conversation until I finally started flat-out stuttering. At that point intermission was almost over, so we were saved from further embarrassment.
The show was decent, the acting was decent, the singing was good, but I had trouble suspending my disbelief. I'm not completely sure if it was the acting of certain people, or a few of the choices the director made. Probably a bit of both. It wasn't technically a musical, but there was a lot of singing, and in weird places that didn't make sense to me. If it had been a musical, it wouldn't have been so weird, but they would just drop everything and start singing an Appalacian song. It just struck me as odd. But it did have moments that got me to care.


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