I'm feeling sheepish...
Okay, just discovered I was in the wrong part of the website for this teacher. I was in the part for the 17B kids, not the CA Hist kids. Turns out, the assigned thesis is very similar to the one I wanted. *blush*
Okay, just discovered I was in the wrong part of the website for this teacher. I was in the part for the 17B kids, not the CA Hist kids. Turns out, the assigned thesis is very similar to the one I wanted. *blush*
I'm staying home from school today. I've been sick with the flu since either Thursday or Friday. You know, I HATE being sick. It puts me in a bad mood. A Really Bad Mood. I ended up yelling at people on Monday night 'cause they were being too loud at rehearsal. I hate taking medicine. I hate feeling dependent on anything, medicine included. I've been cutting back on my medicine intake these past couple days (or trying too). That basically involves me trying to go to school with no medicine in my system, since I slept just fine without the medicine, but then feeling horrible and taking medicine, since I would bring the medicine to school.
Recipe for a roasted Cat:
Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I'm going to the airshow, Tomorrow! It's only a day awaaaaay!
Well, I had a doctor's apointment today, and I was going to a new doctor that I had chosen from my insurance plan's website. Well, I go to the place the website told me to go, and lo and behold, I couldn't find this guy's office anywhere. So, I ask one of the nurses in the place where it should have been, and she told me to try another place. Okay, I'm doing fine, and I go to that place, but I called my mom and asked her to call them to tell them that I was going to be a bit late (my mom was the one with the phone number). I go to the place, only to discover that the person who I thought I had the appointment with had retired. I go to my car, fighting back tears 'cause I was so frustrated with the whole shenanigan, when I call my mom and discover that the place I needed to go was across the street, with a completely different doctor. I'm a wreck at this point, and Mom ends up telling them that I'm hopelessly lost and I'll have to reschedule. We don't even know if this person is covered by our insurance. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when I try to make my own doctor's appointments with a new doctor.