Monday, January 19, 2009

crazy times

I haven't posted in a while, and those posts i have done have generally been to whine... tonight, though, I write to talk about how cool it is that we are inaugurating a black president the day after MLK Jr. Day, and how it took only 40 years after MLK's death to realize this part of his dream. Seeing as it took 100 years after the founding of our country to abolish slavery and another 100 years to get the black vote, 40 years is quite an improvement. Mind you, I don't see President-elect Obama as the cure-all of all our country's ills. I know he is only human, and is bound to make mistakes. However, that doesn't negate the extreme symbolic importance of this coming presidency. I also find it ironic and amusing that Republicans freed the slaves and Democrats brought us our black president. Hopefully this presidency will be all it's cracked up to be.


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