Saturday, July 09, 2005

Sick... AGAIN

Okay, i got sick AGAIN yesterday (not the same thing, i mainly had upset stomach and a fever), and of course it was on opening night. I have no idea how well I did last night, but i got through without anyone comin' up to me afterwards and asking me what was wrong, so i must have done fine. Today i had a little party at my house, and luckily not too many people showed up, so it was a nice intimate thing. My mom was able to do most of the hosting, so I could just sit and listen to everyone talk. I wasn't really up to doing much more than that. I just felt a little weak today, and I couldn't stomach much. As the day went on, however, i managed to get some non-liquid food in me, and all of a sudden i got more energy (gee i wonder why). All in all, today was pretty good. Yeah, I couldn't eat much of the barbeque my mom cooked, but I think I did really well in the play, and my hair totally worked! It's the first day my hair has actually gone into a reasonably 50s hairstyle! That was nice. I think the coffee i have onstage helped, too; i was dancing backstage during intermission. I'm getting off thge audience high now, and i'm getting really tired again, but i might be able to stomach something, i hope. Sean's been so worried about me, and I've been worried about him worrying about me, but now that i'm getting better, we'll both be fine. I love him so much. But yeah, I've already written more than i expected to write, so i'm gonna go on that lovely sappy note.


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