Mom and I saw each other this weekend, and so we did all sorts of bonding girl stuff: we got pedicures (my second ever), went shopping for art supplies, and ALSO went to Crossroads and got some very cute tops at very cheap prices. Sweet! Also, Sean (my boyfriend) is going to be in Bus Stop with me! Harvey couldn't find a person to fill the role, so he came to Sean even though he hadn't tried out. Sean said the only bad thing about it was that he would have to watch me kiss another guy. I replied that he would also get to see me slap that guy. He laughed.
Went to the beach today with some drama friends. I had a total blast, but now I feel a little ill. I think that it's between all the junk food and the sun poisoning i've gotten (i'm burnt over about 2/3rds of my body). It was awesome, though; we boogie-boarded, hung out, and tried to get these stupid cheap grills to work. We got the grills working, though, and had shishcabobs (sp?), chicken, and hot dogs. The waves were totally wicked! Thank God I still have aloe from my last horrible sunburn, else I would have been SUFFERING!!!
so, i've been the go-to girl for these one acts at the college. well, funny thing, our stage manager got stuck in the bay area today, and i was the only one in a position to be able to fill his job for him. Basically, for those unversed in the world of technical theater, the stage manager is like a conductor for the folks controlling all the different aspects of technical lights. A stage manager (sm) coordinates the timing of the lights, sounds, and, in my case, projector slides. The show ran smoothly (thank God the plays are absurdist, since any screw-ups are easily covered up), and whenever i messed up a cue (which thankfully wasn't often), my underlings knew the cues and were able to cover for my mistakes. I had to run cues completely cold, aka i had to coordinate the show with very little idea of the timing of those cues and with me having seen the show a grand total of five times. That may seem like a lot, but our real sm saw the show hundreds of times. The assistant sm was very patronizing, though. Our lighting girl totally told him off (i love her so much right now!). sean was there for me, and i'm totally thankful for he and cyn for keeping me reasonably sane. :) Yay! I have total bragging rights now. Poor jerry (our sm), he must have been stressing out so much.
I have a job lined up at my school's scene shop this summer! John (my technical teacher) asked me if I would be interested yesterday, and told me that I have been really disciplined about getting my hours done in the shop these last two semesters, and told me that I would get paid a stipend, maybe $500, but since I don't have very many expenses, that can get me pretty far. It'll be GREAT experience and will look awesome on my resume, as I would be named as a staff member. So, basically, I gave John a resounding YES! to working in the shop.
I just got the cast list today--I'm in! I'm gonna be Cherie in American Blues Theater Company's summer show Bus Stop! For those unfamiliar with the story, Bus Stop was made into a film in the 1950s and Marilyn Monroe played the part of Cherie. YEAH! The best part is that I may be eligable to be paid for the part, since it would qualify as an interning position! It wouldn't be more than a stipend, like $100, but it's sure something.
I'm going on a date tonight with Sean; I'm gonna go over to his house, eat dinner, and watch Boondock Saints with him since I've never seen it and he tells me it's an awesome movie. Yay!
Ok, ok, here's some more drama in my life (which, I think, is even better than a soap opera). There's a dude, E., who told me a couple weeks ago how much he loves me. Fine, except I told him I don't love him back; I really didn't want a real relationship with him. Some fun, yes; relationship, no. He keeps trying to woo me, and finally I start to cave in (just a little) on Friday; on Saturday I discover he's recently kissed another girl. My first reaction is shock and wounded pride, but then I get really giddy. I mean, halleluia! My big excuse to say, "get away from me NOW" and he can't get all wounded pride on me!