Continuing Drama
Ok, ok, here's some more drama in my life (which, I think, is even better than a soap opera). There's a dude, E., who told me a couple weeks ago how much he loves me. Fine, except I told him I don't love him back; I really didn't want a real relationship with him. Some fun, yes; relationship, no. He keeps trying to woo me, and finally I start to cave in (just a little) on Friday; on Saturday I discover he's recently kissed another girl. My first reaction is shock and wounded pride, but then I get really giddy. I mean, halleluia! My big excuse to say, "get away from me NOW" and he can't get all wounded pride on me!
Anyway, the guy who told me all this, S., was also one of the guys who told me he likes me, and he's the guy I've been trying to find a way to diplomatically get away from E. for. He tells me about the kiss (as he'd been warning me about E. for some time now), and then goes with a friend of his to tell E. to stay away from the drama girls, as he can't seem to stop messing with them. S. did all of that expecting nothing in return, just because it was the right thing to do (and also because I'm his friend). I'm feeling a little twitterpated right now.
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