Thursday, January 20, 2005


aaron broke up with me. we're still friends. my head hurts. he said it was too much responsibility for both of us, and he told me i've been the best friend he's had in a long time. he told me he didn't want to have us go down the line and end up breaking up in anger. he wanted us to stay friends. i feel rather dizzy. my hands are bruised. i hit a lot of walls when we hung up. i yelled, too. i guess he cried, but i cried too. i cried silently, so he wouldn't hear. then i got pissed off with him, but i told him i understood where he was coming from. i do. he's built me up in his mind as being in love with him; i'm not, because my heart didn't break. i was just pissed that he had the gall to break up with me. i'm going to stay his friend, though, 'cause he told me the truth. that's more than others have done.


Blogger kolors said...

such blows to my pride help keep me humble.

10:55 PM  
Blogger Charlotte said...

Poor Chiquita! I feel like a bad mommy 'cause I wasn't there to help you feel better. I know you were on the phone with him when I left last night.

2:10 PM  
Blogger kolors said...

I am proud of myself for not breaking anything. That's a major plus.

11:26 PM  

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