Tuesday, January 18, 2005

First Day

today was the first day of school, and i had english, improv and track. i hope english will prove to be interesting, i know improv will be (i know the teacher), and i will get better in track. the delta track team is small. i wasn't the slowest person by the end of workout, but i was the slowest of the people who finished. coach sent me home early with another person, since he didn't want to push us too hard. i was feeling really down on myself until i got a coughing fit on my way home. i didn't realize the significance until i was bathing, but then i realized: i'm not that out of shape, i'm just sick! i'm really tired, though, so i think i'll do my homework and go to bed early. blech. and take some medicine. not necessarily in that order.


Blogger kolors said...

dude, that's awesome

5:32 PM  

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