Thursday, January 24, 2008

New Computer

Ok, so I got some money from my school--don't ask how it works and why, I don't know and I'm not questioning it--so I decided to get a new laptop. My old laptop still works, but it's a '98 PC, and some of the programs I need as a lighting designer just won't work as well on that as a new computer. Plus, if I'm going to get those (rather expensive) programs, I might as well have them on a nice and shiny new computer. I also made the leap to a Mac, since apparently that's a great computer for designers of all sorts. So my PC is now mostly a desktop and vehicle for all those programs I have that only works with Windows, and my Mac travels with me. Now I don't have to wait in line at school to get online, since I can get online almost everywhere on campus. It's quite nice.

By the way, the whole money from school thing is because my student aid overpaid for two semesters, so I got the leftovers. I still have a chunk left to help pay for that part of spring semester I don't have completely covered. Yay!

Saturday, January 05, 2008


Wow, I'm on a blog roll, here. Just a note about the weather--it stinks to be outside. It's fun to be inside, though, especially when you see a flash through a window and then hear a REALLY LOUD burst of thunder... It was comical to see my sister's cat sit up and look around to see the cause of the thunder.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Buying books (Ugh!)

It's time for that tri-annual ritual of college students: book buying. Now, as a theatre major, I've gotten pretty spoiled by book prices, at least compared to majors like math, chemistry, or engineering. This is why I was shocked today to spend $230 on three books. I was expecting my books to cost more this quarter than last quarter simply because I'm taking an English class in Shakespeare. The real shocker for me was that my ACTING book was the most expensive! My Shakespeare book is over 2000 pages, and it cost HALF of what my 350 page acting book cost! My 700 page book cost a QUARTER what that acting book cost! I know it's not page count that goes towards the cost of a book, but it always feels more worthwhile to spend a lot on a HUGE book than to spend a lot on a tiny paperback.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Indulging in Melancholy

I'm not in a bad mood, really, just rather introspective. I've been figuring out some unpleasant truths. Life seems almost devoid of passion for me, and has been for months. Everything just seems...insipid. Dull. Blah. I just haven't felt like doing anything but read. It's like I've been skimming the surface of life and haven't felt like going any deeper. I dunno, maybe I'm depressed or something but I'm not really unhappy or anything, just bored. And stuck. Maybe I'll get myself invited to more parties or something like that. And maybe I'm just tired of watching TV over holidays.