Saturday, June 30, 2007

I've gone through so many changes over the last few weeks. I moved to a new city, got roommates when I'm used to living pretty much alone, started a new job, and lost my boyfriend, all in the span of five days. Changes are usually good, but that doesn't stop one from stressing out when the changes are happening. Oh, and another change: I've started taking mass transit, me, the girl who would drive the two miles to my last school. I had a guy ask me out my second time taking the light rail. Now i carry my purse in my tool bag. That seems to have taken care of the unwanted male attention.
You're probably all thinking, "what? what happened with cat and sean? they were so happy!"
we were happy, but we just sort of grew apart. I would have had to deal not having him around for a month anyhow, since he's in field training. We'll probably talk some more after he gets back.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Shot & Social Security

Got my second Hep. A shot today. You know, shots are never as bad as I think they're going to be. At least when they're in my shoulder. Of all the shots I've had, the shoulder hurts the least. The one that hurts the most would be the novacane (sp?) shot in the front of your mouth right where your lip becomes your gums. Also, the forearm hurts a lot, especially when you're donating blood, 'cause it's like the energizer bunny: it keeps going and going and going... I don't remember ever getting a butt or leg shot before, but I sat on a pin at my grandpa's house once and it hurt quite a bit. The novacane shot right behind my wisdom teeth didn't hurt too much, but probably because there's more tissue there than the front of my mouth.

After I got my shot, I went to my mom's work and we got all sorts of DMV stuff done on her lunch hour, and then got lunch. Then I went and waited for an hour and a half at the Social Security office to get a new card, since mine disappeared so long ago that I don't even know what one looks like. I won't have it in time to start my new job, but legally they have to accept my birth certificate and my drivers license instead if I don't have a card. However, as a birth certificate is a pain to carry around and keep all nice, I figure it's in my best interest to get a Social Security card for future use.

I move at the end of the week, which is the cause of this particular flurry of activity. Crazy, hmm? I get to sell a bit more of my gold to use for the deposit. Luckily, I'm moving with two good buddies of mine, who both know how I work, and I know how they work. Best of all, we're each getting OUR OWN ROOM, which means that we won't drive each other too crazy.