Monday, August 07, 2006

Major Blog Fatigue

Man, I've been tired lately, what with the show and all. Well, I was busy today striking Cabaret for eight hours, and I'm not sure whether to be happy, sad, or even care much. I don't know, there's been a lot of drama with this show. What I will truly miss, though, is being around some truly wonderful people in the cast. The people I like in the crew, well, I see them every day.

Anyway, today has been interesting. I have a nice bruise on my shin from where some wood flew back and hit me. I guess it didn't like that I was breaking it apart to throw it away, and I wasn't standing properly. Nice lesson. Another fun event involved 20-foot-high wood-and-styrofoam columns falling in a domino fasion, and falling about 2 feet shy of an antique cash register. The best part? We had just been complaining about how much room those stupid things took up in the shop, and had just moved them to allow space for one of the moving stages to get through. Obviously, we didn't allow for the top part of the stage, which bumped one of the columns, and which ended up bringing down two more columns. No one was hurt, and we were able to take the columns apart in less than half an hour.

Fun times were had by all.