Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Okay, true story. Lucy and Winny got out of the back yard, and so I go out to the front yard to find them. Winny I find pretty quickly, and he goes trotting back into the backyard. But I couldn't find Lucy anywhere! I finally start calling in the backyard, and there bounds up Lucy! She had already opened the kitchen door and she and Winny had finished their food that I poured out for them earlier. Darn smart-aleck dogs.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

When Twelfth Night plays...

I'm pretty sure it's in the Tillie Lewis Theatre, but I'll be able to let you know for certain later on...

8 pm Preview Night: Oct. 13
8 pm Show Nights: Oct. 14, 15, 20, 21, 22
2 pm Matinee: Oct. 23

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Twelfth Night

I got the part of Viola in Twelfth Night at Delta!!! HOLY CRAP!!!

Monday, August 15, 2005

Back from Hawaii...

...right in time for school. You know, this is one of the few times I've looked forward to school starting. Usually I'm apprehensive for one reason or another, but I get to do all the plays I want! What isn't there to love? I'm also filling some of my odder requirements for school, like Mythology for one of my English requirements. It'll be so fun. I have a rather bad case of bed-head, especially seeing as it's almost 8 in the morning. I managed to schedule all my classes in the late morning/early afternoon. I'm tired of having late nights from plays and early mornings from classes. I decided I'm going to sleep.

Sean and I were so happy to see each other again. He marvelled at my "tan" and gave me a gorgeous drawing. I love it, I may post it. I gave him a cool hat from Hawaii. Ok, gtg, talk to ya'll later.