Sunday, February 27, 2005

hello again

sorry i've been kinda lame about posting. i've been busy.

i just finished up opening weekend for How I Learned to Drive yesterday, and it was great. sometimes i wish i could watch the play, since i just sit backstage with the headset on, but it's ok. i don't mean to, but i fall asleep sometimes while i'm back there. i'm proud, though, that i can sleep very lightly when i'm working like that. i wake up whenever someone enters from the dressing rooms or from onstage. basically all i do is sit around and wait for an emergency (like one day one of the main backstage doors was locked, so i had to go and unlock it), so it's ok if i catch a few zzz when i'm there. i try really hard to stay awake, but it's hard sometimes. oh well.

Man of La Mancha musical rehearsals start tomorrow, and i've finally read my part. I have no lines, and a couple musical lines. Easy to memorize! It should be fun, since Harvey (director) was talking about making my part have a bit more substance, or something like that. Heck, the most fun role I ever had was a no-liner: Klepto-fairy from A Midsummer Night's Dream. It's rather liberating to have no lines and just do your own thing.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Funny thing...

My friend Cynthia and I had a laughing fit together for 20 MINUTES! It was hysterical.

Sunday, February 20, 2005


I've been having interesting dreams. two nights ago i dreamt i was flying really high, but then these people thought i was just on a platform and a building started coming up around me while the people tried to kick me out. I tricked them, though, and was able to stay in the building. last night i dreamt a tsunami came, and a bunch of people were running away, but the tsunami didn't hurt me; i was able to find an upper-story building to fly to.

I see a pattern.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Interesting feeling

All day I've been feeling tired but restless/antsy; I don't know why. I wore a boobilicious shirt today; a lot of guys flirted with me. I can't imagine why. I didn't even wear much make-up. Aaron flirted an almost indecent amount. I teased him about it and felt justified in doing so. He he...

Thursday, February 17, 2005


I'm tired, but reasonably peaceful. I'm going to eat and shower and sleep, in that order.

Ya'll are lazy. why don't you comment?

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


I've finally set it up with my track coach to let me simply run with the team and not compete this season. Now I have to find out how to set it all up with the office.

I want caffeine, darn it!

I need sleep. Later.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy V-Day

Happy Singles' Awareness Day!

I wonder if chocolate milk has caffeine...

Sunday, February 13, 2005


i forgot to mention that dr. htoon recommended that i give up caffeine until i see dr. winkle. i also figure that means i should have less sugar. of course i've been craving chocolate again.

Ye God!

Friday, February 11, 2005


i'm tired. i forgot to turn off my alarm, so even though i have the day off, i woke up at 6:30 am. Ah, well, whatever. I took my second physical yesterday. My first physical for track i wasn't cleared because my heart sounded "musical," which might be a sign of a heart murmur. It was kind of a joke amongst all the people getting physicals at delta, since the physician diagnosed so many people with heart murmurs. So, i ended up having to get another physical for track to ensure that i really don't have a murmur. Mom came with me with all the family history of heart disease (turns out we have a very strong history of it), Dr. Htoon didn't find a heart murmur, but decided that because of the family history that i needed an EKG. i ended up getting two, i guess to make sure the results were right, and the EKG said that i was "probably normal" for a girl my age. Dr. Htoon, however, said that there was a slight peculiarity in my heart beat that 90% of the time is perfectly normal, but again, because of the family history, i have to go see a cardiologist. I have an appointment to go see Dr. Winkle, who sees my aunt and granddaddy for their heart issues. I just don't know when yet. I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Man of La Mancha

Cast list is out! I'm in! I'm playing Fermina, a serving wench! I have a name! Yay!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


i'm down today. tired. still sick. damn.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

oh what a beautiful morning...

i've been so moody lately. oh, well, right now i'm on the up. it's a beautiful day in paradise!

Saturday, February 05, 2005



cell minutes


ok, i went to track today, i'm feeling stronger than i did. i'm going back and forth as to whether i should be in Man of La Mancha or not... i seem to be surviving with the twelve hour days now, and Man of La Mancha will start after How I Learned to Drive ends. i'm just wondering if i want to keep having those twelve hour days. if i did it, i would have to be really disciplined. i really should decide by tomorrow.

my computer's being screwy.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

PMS-ing and sick

enough said.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

so tired...

sorry i've been lame about posting this week. happy groundhog's day. six more weeks of winter. great. i lucked into having the rest of the week off from How I Learned to Drive... the director has to do a part for some historical miniseries, i don't remember what. you know what i've figured out? 12 hours a day at school is tiring. oh well. at least i managed to do all my homework for the week this past weekend. i've been able to go to sleep without trying to work through homework. track is still kicking my butt, not as badly as before, but still kicking. i've had a relapse with my cold, but at least i'm not coughing at night or having a major fever thing. aaron and i are pretty cool right now. i'm gonna do my monologue day after tomorrow, i wonder if he'll realize that i chose that piece right after we broke up. he'll be the imaginary person i'm talking to. i chose it because i was effected so much by it when i read it. i'll be duplicating that reaction when i perform it. auditions for Man of La Mancha is friday, too. i'll be doing said monologue and singing a section of "Speaking French" from Lucky Stiff. it'll be fun. i'm not sure if i want to make it, but it'll be nice for my major requirement. i've got almost all my major requirements done. i'll have to do more GE stuff next year.