Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Meh, this cleaning thing is hard... I'm working on the bedroom I've been sleeping in, putting stuff away, things like that. I've decided I far prefer scrubbing walls to sorting through stuff; so, I worked through my natural laziness today by working on the hall walls (don't worry, not where our heights as kids are marked). I've gotten two walls done (smaller walls), and those walls are now about two shades lighter than the rest of the hallway. If only all life's problems were so easily washed away... now I have to clean the floor where a bookshelf stood two days ago. Books, dustbunnies, and spiders... Oy. I have to pick through the latter two to get to the books, 'cause I can't just throw books away. Meh. I should get on that. At least it's cooler at night, I can work better then.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

More to do

Finished the bathroom ceiling today, but that's about it for working on the house. I have, however, been working diligently on the guitar. I can now play "When Johnny Comes Marching Home," with Em, G, and D. I can also play A7. Now I'm working on Jacob's Ladder with A and E7. My fingers are killing me, I need to build up some calluses, stat!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A good start

I came to my mother's today to work on the bathroom, and I think I've made good progress. I cleaned out the top drawers and threw away about 90% of the stuff in there, scrubbed the shower, cleaned the toilet, and have gotten about half of the ceiling/walls clean. I still need to get the bath, around the toilet, the cupboards beneath the sink, and that other half of the ceiling/walls. I'll try and get the floor as clean as possible as well, but it's just plain messed up and will probably need to be fixed by a professional. I'll probably do most of that in the morning, then head back to my apartment. What I need to do now is get the bed de-messed so I can sleep in it tonight.

Oh, and another thing: I found my mom's old backpacking guitar and a beginning guitar book today (it helps that she told me exactly where they were), and I'm gonna learn how to play guitar while not cleaning. I can already do a D chord, and am working on the A7, or rather, shifting from D to A7. Again, something for tomorrow.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Moving on... down?

Yep, after I do this whole graduating thing, I'll be moving south of here to live with my mother. *sigh. Not that I mind living with my mother; on the contrary, if one must live with one's mother, she's the mother one should have. I think that made sense. Anyway, it's the principle of the thing that's a bit depressing. But I have a project for this summer, seeing as I couldn't get a job: cleaning and renovating Mom's house. For those of you who haven't been there, the house has never been pristine. Now, however, it's a bit of a storage facility for everyone in the family, myself included. I'll be sorting through all that stuff, painting, fixing some broken furniture, and refinishing the floor. OK, the refinishing of the floor will probably be done professionally, but still, I have to give them a place to start, right?

Monday, January 19, 2009

crazy times

I haven't posted in a while, and those posts i have done have generally been to whine... tonight, though, I write to talk about how cool it is that we are inaugurating a black president the day after MLK Jr. Day, and how it took only 40 years after MLK's death to realize this part of his dream. Seeing as it took 100 years after the founding of our country to abolish slavery and another 100 years to get the black vote, 40 years is quite an improvement. Mind you, I don't see President-elect Obama as the cure-all of all our country's ills. I know he is only human, and is bound to make mistakes. However, that doesn't negate the extreme symbolic importance of this coming presidency. I also find it ironic and amusing that Republicans freed the slaves and Democrats brought us our black president. Hopefully this presidency will be all it's cracked up to be.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Meh. Meh. Meh.

I'm tired. Almost done with Music Circus. Haven't had a day off since the Fourth of July. I'm tired. I'm almost done, though. Almost done. Just a week and I'll get a day off. I need to pack my stuff, since I'm moving closer to school after next weekend. Meh. I've had fun here, but this is the time of the season where everyone is making me crazy! Everything annoys me! I'm perpetually PMS-ing! Grr! Meh. Being too annoyed takes to much energy. I have to save that for work. If I've been neglecting you, I'll be more free in less than two weeks.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Dating again...

Craziness, but I'm dating again. A friend of mine from high school was helping me clean my room yesterday, then all of a sudden we were kissing. who knew cleaning could be so fun?